Honey Bunny’s Bunnies Sales Policy
All of our bunnies are Holland Lops.
This breed typically grows to be between 2-4 pounds and has an average life expectancy of around 10 years.
Despite the advantages of our nurturing care process, we’re committed to keeping our bunnies competitively priced.
We will provide continual updates on the timing and availability of all available bunnies.
Please contact us for shipping and delivery information/costs.
Before you reserve or purchase one of our bunnies, you will be asked to accept our sales policy below.
Pickup must be on the stated day there will be a 5.00 charge for each day beyond pickup day.
Honey Bunny’s Bunnies’ Sales Policy
We are committed to raising all bunnies offered for sale with loving, nurturing, hands-on care from the day they are born. We want the homes they live in to do the same. We encourage all potential buyers to fully educate themselves about caring for a pet rabbit and understand the needs of the pet before making a purchase.
Holland Lops are usually 2-4 pounds fully grown and have an average life expectancy of 10 years. Because all animals are unique and will live in unique circumstances, we can never guarantee weight or life expectancy. We are very experienced in being able to tell gender, but we will not guarantee gender.
We are here for our bunnies forever! We encourage all buyers to feel free to contact us with questions at any time. We also welcome our buyers to share photos of their pets over their lifetime!
To reserve a bunny, full payment including shipping, if you are having your bunny shipped, is due. Reservations cannot be switched to a different bunny, and no refunds will be given unless an ailment/death occurs while under our care.
You must pick up or have your rabbit shipped on the date listed on your reservation. No exceptions unless you have a personal delivery approved! You must fill out an airport request BEFORE you reserve so we can check to see if there are available flights. If you fail to check first, reserve a bunny, and then ask for shipping to an airport that does not have available flights, then you will not be refunded and will have to figure out how to pick up otherwise the rabbit will be placed back for adoption and no refund is issued. If you do not pick up on the scheduled pickup day, your bunny will be placed back up for adoption and no refund will be given. Please be prepared and ready for pickup day.
To the best of our knowledge, our animals are healthy at the time of sale. Once they leave our facility, we are not held liable for any physical harm, illness, accidents, or genetic issues of any kind.
If your rabbit passes away during a plane transport, which has never happened and most likely never will, we will send a full refund. Proof of the rabbit passing away from air transport has to be provided by an Alaska Airlines representative at the cargo station for a refund.
Please understand that these are live animals and there is always a risk when adopting live animals even when both parents are healthy with no known genetic issues to date.
Make sure you and all family members are not allergic to bunnies or hay.Make sure you are allowed to have a bunny at your home.Make sure everyone in your household is 100% on board.Make sure you are 100% sure you want a bunny.Make sure you do your research before you commit.I do not give refunds for any reason.
Do to my very limited space I am not able to take back bunnies once they leave my property.I can help you by placing a photo on my website saying looking for a new home.